5 Ways to Boost Your Concentration

Feeling like it’s hard to concentrate? I get asked about natural remedies for concentration often.

There’s a lot that can be done naturopathically, but the truth is, the inability to concentrate can stem from a lot of different underlying issues. Conditions such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, improper nutrition, overwork/too much stress, ADD and side effects of substances like caffeine can all cause us to feel like we can’t concentrate.

Figuring out the root cause with your ND is the most efficacious way of boosting your concentration, but here are some things that can help.

Vitamin B12 Shots

High dose B12 shots can help increase energy. While most people expect a physical energy jolt similar to caffeine, B12 actually gives more of a “mental energy” boost. The end result is feeling less mental fogginess, being able to concentrate more, and finish more at work. It’s effect feels quite different than a cup of coffee.

Proper Diet

You’ve heard it – you are what you eat. Our body needs specific vitamins and minerals in order to produce our energy molecule “ATP” which is used in all cells of our body. These vitamins and minerals come from fruit and vegetables. As well, unhealthy foods like deep-fried goods, and over-processed foods can cause inflammation in the body which bogs your energy down.

Adrenal-Boosting Herbs

Our adrenal glands are closely involved in our body’s ability to deal with stress. If the adrenals are constantly over-burdened by life stress it can cause fluctuations of hormones which can leave us feeling fatigued, relying on coffee, and crashing after meals. Herbs like Ashwaganda help regulate these fluctuations of stress hormones like cortisol to help you concentrate better and have better energy.


Just 10 minutes of guided meditation/day can not only help change your outlook, but it will help you operate from a more calm and grounded state which directly affects your ability to concentrate. Find the type of meditation (visualization, kinesthethic, deep-breathing) that speaks to you.

Nootropic Herbs

Nootropic drugs/herbs are called “smart drugs” because they enhance memory and cognition. Herbs such as Gingko can help boost concentration in patients who need extra support.

Dr. Rahim Kanji, N.D. is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Toronto, Canada. He has a passion for evidence-based natural medicine, specifically empowering his patients to make nutritional changes which create dramatic impacts to their health.